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Victor Man

Born 1974
Lives in Rome and Cluj, Romania
Solo Exhibitions
“Victor Man,” Gladstone Gallery, New York
“The Lines of Life,” Städel Museum, Frankfurt, Germany
“From Wounds and Starry Dreams,” Galerie Max Hetzler, Paris
“Eyelids, Towards Evening,” Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin, Italy
"1837, Abbozzo per un Autoritratto," Sant'Andrea de Scaphis, Rome
"Die Rose ist ohne Warum. Sie blühet, weil sie blühet," Galerie Neu, Berlin
“Flowering Ego,” Gladstone Gallery, New York
“The Chandler,” Museo Tamayo, Mexico City
“Entrelacs,” duo show with Navid Nuur, Centre d’Édition Contemporaine, Geneva, Switzerland
“Victor Man,” Blum & Poe, Tokyo
“Victor Man,” Fürstenberg Zeitgenössisch, Donaueschingen, Germany
“Luminary Petals on a Wet, Black Bough,” Galeria Plan B, Berlin
“Victor Man,” MD72 / Galerie Neu, Berlin
"Victor Man," Gladstone Gallery, New York
“Zephir,” Deutsche Bank KunstHalle, Berlin; Travelled to: Zachęta– National Gallery of Art, Warsaw and Haus der Kunst, Munich
“The Third Cover,” Galerie Neu, Berlin
“In un altro aprile,” Villa Medici, Rome
“Szindbád,” Gladstone Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
“Victor Man,” The Grand Duke Jean Museum of Modern Art, Luxembourg
“The White Shadow of His Talent,” Blum & Poe, Los Angeles
“Lazarus Protocol,” Transmission Gallery, Glasgow, Scotland
“The Painting, the Drawing, and Other Objects and Situations,” duo show with Dan Perjovschi, Overbeck-Gesellschaft, Lübeck, Germany; Travelled to: Kunsthalle Lingen, Lingen, Germany
“The Dust of Others,” Galleria Zero, Milan, Italy
“If Mind Were All There Was,” Hayward Gallery Project Space, London
“Victor Man,” Gladstone Gallery, New York
“Victor Man,” Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
“Victor Man,” Centre International d'Art et du Paysage, île de Vassivière, France
“attebasile,” Ikon Gallery, Birmingham, England
“Black Hearts Always Bleed Red,” Blum & Poe, Los Angeles
“On relative loneliness,” Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Bergamo (GAMeC), Bergamo, Italy
“Without going into the extravagance that’s in trees,” Galleria Zero, Milan, Italy
“Vestigial specialization on its way out,” Johnen Galerie, Berlin
“Victor Man,” Johnen + Schöttle, Cologne, Germany
“With the First Totters,” Annet Gelink Gallery, Amsterdam
“The place I’m coming from,” Timothy Taylor Gallery, London
“Farewell till next time,” Annet Gelink Gallery, Amsterdam
“Victor Man,” Plan B, Cluj, Romania 
Group Exhibitions
“Summer,” Fondation Beyeler, Riehen, Switzerland
“On Paper,” Galerie Max Hetzler, Paris, France
“Lacan, the Exhibition. When Art Meets Psychoanalysis,” Centre Pompidou Metz, Metz, France
“Picasso Effect,” Museum of Recent Art, Bucharest, Romania
“Looking Anew and Beyond: Contemporary Romanian Art from the Collection of the Arthur Taubman Trust,” Taubman Museum of Art, Roanoke, VA, USA
“Interior,” Michael Werner Gallery, London
“Notte Oscura - Piece part VIII,” Fondazione Memmo, Rome, Italy
“Common Ground: UCCA 15th Anniversary Patrons Collection Exhibition,” UCCA Center for Contemporary Art, Shanghai, China
"Open Storage: 25 Years of Collecting," The Warehouse, Rachofsky Collection, Dallas, Texas
“Carnivalesca. What Painting Might Be,” Kunstverein in Hamburg,Hamburg, Germany
"Fore-edge Painting," Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome (MACRO), Rome, Italy
“When in Doubt, Go to a Museum," City Museum of Ljubljana, Slovenia
“Psychic Wounds: On Art & Trauma,” The Warehouse, Rachofsky Collection, Dallas, Texas
“Drawing 2020,” Gladstone Gallery, New York
“Werethings,” Galeria Plan B, Berlin
“Claude Mirrors: Victor Man, Jill Mulleady, Issy Wood” Schinkel Pavilion, Berlin
“Louise Giovanelli,” Manchester Art Gallery, United Kingdom
“La Plage,” Galleria Zero, Milan, Italy
"La Brique, the Brick, Cărămida," La Kunsthalle, Mulhouse, France
"Ex-East. Past and recent stories of the Romanian Avant-Garde," Espace Niemeyer, Paris 
“Della materia spirituale dell’arte,” MAXXI, Rome
"Une saison roumaine," Centre Pompidou, Paris
"TRICOLOR," Muzeul de Arta Recenta (MARe), Bucharest, Romania
"Alle. Künstlerinnen und Künstler in der Overbeck-Gesellschaft 1918–2018," Overbeck-Gesellschaft, Lübeck, Germany
“Contemporary Dialogues with Tintoretto,” Galleria Giorgio Franchetti alla Ca’ d’Oro, Galleria dell'Accademia, Palazzo Ducale, Venice, Italy
“Lilia & Tulipan,” Kunsthalle Lingen, Lingen, Germany
“The New Frontiers of Painting,” Fondazione Stelline, Milan, Italy
“Life A User’s Manual,” Art Encounters 2017, Foundation Timisoara & Arad, Romania
“Pélamide,” Gladstone Gallery, Brussels 
“Con amore più che con amore,” Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Bergamo (GAMeC), Bergamo, Italy
“The act of drinking a Coke by yourself is the lowest form of art,” Fonderia Artistica Battaglia, Milan, Italy
“In Search of Characters…”, Galerie Neu, Berlin, Germany 
“Thinking Out Loud: Notes For An Evolving Collection”, The Warehouse, Dallas, US 
“Open Ended: Painting and Sculpture Since 1900”, Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, US 
“Dissolve into a red dwarf”, Island, Brussels, Belgium
"Artworks from Enea Righi Collection," Palazzo Fortuny, Venice
"These Strangers...Painting and People," S.M.A.K., Ghent, Belgium
“Identity Revisted,” The Warehouse, Dallas, Texas
“DÉPENSES,” Labanque, Béthune, France
“Cher(e)s Ami(e)s: Hommage aux Donateurs des Collections Contemporaines”,   Centre Pompidou, Paris                 
“QUAND FONDRA LA NEIGE, OU IRA LE BLANC. Contemporary collecting at Palazzo Fortuny. Artworks from Enea Righi Collection," Palazzo Fortuny, Venice
“Track Changes”, curated by Plan B, Mendes Wood DM, São Paulo, Brazil
“Quodlibet”, Lempertz, Brussels, Belgium 
“Monstres et Madones”, Triple V, Paris, France
"All the World's Futures: 56th International Art Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia," Central Pavillion Giardini, Venice
“Mirror,” Frith Street Gallery, London
“20 Years Galerie Neu,” Galerie Neu, Berlin
“State of Mind,” Maison Particulière, Brussels
“Álmoskönyv,” Ujazdowski Castle, Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw; Travelled to: Galeria Plan B, Berlin
“Vertigo in Painting, “ Centre D’art du Grand Quevilly, France
“The Empty Pedestal,” Museo Civico Archeologico, Bologna, Italy
“Imitatio Christie’s. partoftheprocess6,” Galleria Zero, Milan
“Franz Graf. Siehe was dich sieht," 21er Haus - Nationalmuseum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Vienna, Austria
"Video Screening 25," Zero, Milan, Italy
“Utopia Starts Small,” 12th Fellbach Triennial, Fellbach, Germany
"Nightfall. new Tendencies in Figurative Painting" Galerie Rudolfinum, Prague
“Ein vages Gefühl des Unbehagens, Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens, Deurle, Belgium
“Nur hier: Sammlung zeitgenössischer Kunst der Bundesrepublik Deutschland,” Kunst-und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn, Germany
“partoftheprocess5,” Galleria Zero, Milan, Italy
"Visioni, Fortezza e Museo storico delle Armi e delle Mappe, Civitella del Tronto Castelbasso/Civitella," Sedi Varie, Castelbasso, Italy
“DISLESSICA,” Bianca Arte Contemporanea, Palermo
“1:1,” Atelier 35, Bucharest
“Cattedrale,” Istituto Svizzero di Roma, Rome
"GEN X," Museo d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di San Marino, San Marino
Invited Artist in the Guest Room of Mircea Cantor's exhibition Q.E.D., MNAC / National Museum of Contemporary Art, Bucharest, Romania
“La Triennale: Intense Proximity,” Palais de Tokyo, Paris
“Six Lines of Flight: Shifting Geographies in Contemporary Art,” San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA), San Francisco
"Fremde Überall - Foreigners Everywhere," Jewish Museum, Vienna
“European Travelers, Art from Cluj Today” Műcsarnok Kunsthalle, Budapest
"Take the Leap," Peep-Hole (Vecchia Sede), Milan, Italy
“A House of Leaves,” David Roberts Art Foundation, London
“Salonul de vara,” Galeria Plan B, Cluj, Romania
“Nightfall,” MODEM, Debrecen, Hungary
“A Geographical Expression,” Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin, Italy
“Salonul de mai,” Plan B, Cluj, Romania
“Caderea,” Muzeul de Arta, Cluj, Romania
“Curated by,” Galerie Charim, Vienna
"14th Vilnius Painting Triennial, Contemporary Art Center, Vilnius
“Der Offene Garten,” Kunstahalle Lingen, Lingen, Germany
“Romanian Cultural Resolution,” Spinnerei, Leipzig, Germany
“Tanzimat,” Augarten Contemporary, Belvedere Museum, Vienna
“Berlin show #2,” Plan B, Berlin
"Household Goods," Haifa Mediterranean Biennale of Contemporary Art, Haifa, Israel
“The Concrete Garden,” off-site project, organized by Centre international d'art et du paysage, L'Île de Vassivière, France
“Antidote 6,” Galerie des Galeries, Galeries Lafayette, Paris
“PPP, Public Private Paintings,” Mu.Zee, Ostend, Belgium
“Sequelism: Part 3 Possible, Probable and Preferable Futures,” Arnolfini, Bristol, England
“In the Time of Art,” Fundacion PROA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
“Biennale Estuaire Nantes / St Nazaire,” Frac des Pays de la Loire Fonds Regional d’Art Contemporain, Carquefou, France
“Dreaming the Mainstream,” Vilma Gold Gallery, London
“When the mood strikes,” Museum Dhont-Dhaenens, Deurle, Belgium
“L'esposizione Universale,” Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Bergamo (GAMeC), Bergamo, Italy
“Reframing,” Centro de Arte Contemporáneo Andratx (CCA), Andratx, Spain
“15th Anniversary Inaugural Exhibition,” Blum & Poe, Los Angeles
“Wessen Geschichte / Whose (His)tory,” Kunstverein Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
“Locked-in,” Casino Luxembourg, Forum d'art Contemporain, Luxembourg
“Back to Black,” Kestner Gesellschaft, Hanover, Germany
“Persona,” Centre dArt du Parc Saint Léger, Pougues-les-Eaux, France
“Kabul 3000: Love Among The Cabbages,” Galleria Zero, Milan, Italy
“Expenditure,” Busan Biennale, Busan Museum of Modern Art, Busan, Korea
"Art Focus 5, International Biennial of Contemporary Art," Jerusalem
"Young Artists Re-Construction Biennial," Bucharest
"Berlin show #1," Galeria Plan B, Berlin
"Low-Budget Monuments. 52nd International Art Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia," Romanian Pavilion, Venice, Italy
“Gesellschaftsbilder,” Kunstverein Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
“House Trip,” Art Forum Berlin, Berlin
“Duet,” Lehmann Maupin, New York
“Makers and Modelers,” Gladstone Gallery, New York
“More or less in the same place or another,” Plan B, Cluj, Romania
“Past, Present, Future Perfect: Selections from the Ovitz Family Collection,” H&R Block Artspace, Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City
“Paper Baglady & Other Stories,” Timothy Taylor Gallery, London
"Prague Biennale 3," Prague
“Filaturen,” Sies+Höke, Dusseldorf, Germany
“Farewell to Icon,” Anna Helwing Gallery, Los Angeles
“Cluj Connection,” Haunch of Venison, Zurich
“AWOL,” Biennial of Young Artists, Bucharest
“The Sun on the Wall,” Pavel House, Laafeld, Austria
“Icon,” Chung King Project, Los Angeles
Willa Warszawa, Warsaw
“partoftheprocess2,” Galeria Zero, Milan, Italy
“Dark Dreams,” Johnen + Schöttle, Cologne, Germany
“Post Fragile,” Analix Forever, Geneva, Switzerland
“Expanded Painting,” Prague Biennale 2, Prague
“Fragile,” Analix Forever, Geneva, Switzerland
Museum of Art, Cluj, Romania
City Art Museum Ljubljana, Mestna Galerija 1, Ljubljana
”Views 2,” Israel Museum, Jerusalem
“Facing the Real,” Artists House, Jerusalem