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Io sono Salvo. Works and Writings 1961–2015
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Published by NERO, 2023 Io sono Salvo is a monograph conceived as a self-portrait: the story of the artist's career through works and writings from 1961 to 2015, collected in chronological order to illustrate the ever-evolving, organic nature of Salvo's activities, which constantly interacted with the history of art. The book contains the most complete selection of the artist's work ever published and a sizable collection of his writings, including Sette incisioni e sette poesie, the treatise Della Pittura (On Painting), a number of unpublished texts and a series of interviews given over the years. The autobiographical account is introduced by two critical essays written by Bob Nickas and Elena Volpato, who both take a new look at Salvo's work. The artist's career is then retraced in the chronology of his exhibitions compiled by Sara De Chiara, providing an extensive biography of Salvo, outcome of a research through documents now conserved in the Archivio Salvo and in various libraries.